Ashley Ferreira (she/her)

Zenith Fellow Mentee, Class of 2024
University of Waterloo, Honours Co-operative Physics and Astronomy
David Kendall

Ashley has had the chance to explore her love of space through a Physics and Astronomy degree at the University of Waterloo as well as several research projects and co-op work placements at organizations like MDA. Specifically, she has done a lot of work applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to problems within physics, astronomy, and space robotics.

For over two years, Ashley volunteered for Canadian Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS-Canada) as an Assistant Project Manager for the Canadian Stratospheric Balloon Experiment Design Challenge (CAN-SBX). Currently, she is working as a Junior Data Scientist at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and is really looking forward to meeting lots of new friends through the Zenith Canada Pathways Fellowship! In her free time, Ashley has been getting into climbing, rediscovering her love for sailing, and listening to lots of great podcasts.