Emily Hu (She/Her)

Zenith Fellow Intern, Class of 2024
California Institute of Technology, Bachelors of Astrophysics
Host Organization:
Canadian Space Mining Corporation
Dr. Raymond Francis

Emily is a third year student at Caltech studying Astrophysics with a minor in Computer Science. Originally from Vancouver, BC, she is passionate about probing fundamental questions in nature and about our universe.

At Caltech, Emily performs research in stellar theory on topics such as the orbital evolution of binary star systems. She also volunteers with the astronomy outreach program to coordinate public events; she most recently volunteered with park rangers at Bryce Canyon NP for the 2023 annular solar eclipse, running star parties and communicating with the public about current astronomical events.

In addition to performing space research, Emily looks forward to creating tangible solutions for solving problems in astronomy. Recently, she joined NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer mission as a Missions Operations intern, where she performs testing for the spacecraft and writes code for science data assembly.

In her free time, Emily throws hammer and discus for the track and field team at Caltech, tap dances, and hikes in the LA area. She is elated to be joining the Zenith Canada Pathways Foundation and work at Canadian Space Mining Corporation this summer!